Your book club hostess is Michelle Massaro
Wow, I can't believe it. Our last discussion! Have you enjoyed your read? I know I sure have, and I'm totally wanting to read Kylie's Kiss now, too. We'll be drawing one lucky winner to receive a copy of the sequel. If you haven't already put in your request for your free bookmark and bookplate, make sure you do that before it's too late.
We've discussed Destiny's use of annointing oil, and the angelic beings that watch over her. As we close out the book, there is one subject I'd like to talk about: Forgiveness.
Destiny is able to forgive her attacker, not just in word but in heart. She feels for him and longs to see him find the Lord. That's faith. That's a woman after God's own heart! Have you been in a situation that called for that kind of grace? Please jump in and share.
Toward the end of the book we see Claire finding new spark in her life. How often do we relegate "older" people to passing their days sitting in rockers and baking cookies, as though their time to really live has passed? I put "older" in quotes because I don't think Claire was even that old. But her sons (like most children) had trouble seeing her as vibrant person. Clay couldn't at first fathom that his mother would want to find a soulmate through Solomon's Gate, and everybody is later startled by her interest in sleuthing. But the truth is, many retired people need new interests to make them feel useful and we don't always acknowledge that need. Have you seen this for yourself?
Finally, one of the most precious aspects of this story, to me, is the love between Destiny and her mother. Destiny inherited a legacy of faith from her mother, who prayed for her and thought continually of her spiritual well-being. I've been on both ends of that kind of relationship, having been raised by a godly woman and now doing my best to raise my kids to know the Lord. The responsibility of a parent to be good stewards of the children God places in their lap, is a great and heavy one, not to be taken lightly. And the resulting relationship between parent child, as demonstrated in this book, is so strong and so moving. Does this inspire you to intercede more on behalf of your children, or motivate you to be more proactive in imparting spiritual truths to them? What have you gleaned about this special relationship while reading Destiny's Dream?
We've discussed Destiny's use of annointing oil, and the angelic beings that watch over her. As we close out the book, there is one subject I'd like to talk about: Forgiveness.
Destiny is able to forgive her attacker, not just in word but in heart. She feels for him and longs to see him find the Lord. That's faith. That's a woman after God's own heart! Have you been in a situation that called for that kind of grace? Please jump in and share.
Toward the end of the book we see Claire finding new spark in her life. How often do we relegate "older" people to passing their days sitting in rockers and baking cookies, as though their time to really live has passed? I put "older" in quotes because I don't think Claire was even that old. But her sons (like most children) had trouble seeing her as vibrant person. Clay couldn't at first fathom that his mother would want to find a soulmate through Solomon's Gate, and everybody is later startled by her interest in sleuthing. But the truth is, many retired people need new interests to make them feel useful and we don't always acknowledge that need. Have you seen this for yourself?
Finally, one of the most precious aspects of this story, to me, is the love between Destiny and her mother. Destiny inherited a legacy of faith from her mother, who prayed for her and thought continually of her spiritual well-being. I've been on both ends of that kind of relationship, having been raised by a godly woman and now doing my best to raise my kids to know the Lord. The responsibility of a parent to be good stewards of the children God places in their lap, is a great and heavy one, not to be taken lightly. And the resulting relationship between parent child, as demonstrated in this book, is so strong and so moving. Does this inspire you to intercede more on behalf of your children, or motivate you to be more proactive in imparting spiritual truths to them? What have you gleaned about this special relationship while reading Destiny's Dream?
Don't forget, we also meet on facebook for those who "live" over there and find it easier not to venture out of the house. That link is:
Thank you so much for being part of our book club this summer. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your answers and questions! Leave a comment to be entered to win Kylie's Kiss.
Michelle, I have so enjoyed your insight into those unwritten portions of this novel...the words between the lines. In my opinion, it is the greatest compliment a reader can pay an thank you! :D
Sometimes it is those unspoken things that are the foundation itself of a great book. The worldview, so to speak, of the characters that make the whole story work. =)
I've truly enjoyed reading your book and hosting this club. I consider it an honor and a privelege. =)
I always seem to be a late but here's my take on the last question!
I have always been very involved in my adult children and grandchildren's lives, including their faith lives. I consider my daughter and daughter-in-laws some of my best friends and since I didn't come to know the Lord until I was an adult, I tend to be very vocal! VBG
Last year we moved from the west coast to the east coast and I've found that now that I can't be the 'go to girl' for my family, my new job is to be a prayer warrior. A daily prayer covering of the smallest details is probably the most help I've ever given their lives! It provides the help they need and the affirmations of God's love when we see great things happening. That's the best dialogue we could have!
So true, Tanya! Sometimes God changes our life-roles in order to show us these wonderful new things we never would have seen clearly without that change. Destiny also learned that lesson when she had to change from full-time career woman to caregiver and then to business woman. God had something different for her in each of those roles.
As Delia knows (sweet friend that she is...) the final question really hits my heart hard at the moment. Having just lost my father, with whom I was very close, I can say it has been amazing to see how our family has come together, and how my mom has taken charge of her life - knowing God has plans for her, despite the fact that she feels like half of her heart is literally missing (56 years of marriage tends to act on a person that way...) I spent a week with her recently, which was such a gift, and I found myself spending considerable time in prayer and thought over my father and my parent's impact on my life. There's simply no relationship like it. It's so precious--but it needs attention and tending just like anything else of value. On the UP side - yet on the same topic, I'm also experiencing the process of watching my son and his bride establish their first home together - and the DH and I were at their new place tonight, helping them clean and organize and settle. Such fun, and such wonderful memories to build into the tapestry of our lives together. That's the gift God gives us, isn't it? :-) Bless you, Delia - and I lift you and your writing up in Christ's name. The discussion of DD has been great!
Marianne, I know your mother was as blessed by having you near as you were by being with her during this time. And yes - it's so hard when marriage partners of so many years are parted in tends to leave the remaining spouse totally lost. I will be praying for your mother!
Our parents really to influence our lives, for better or worse. Obviously yours influenced you for the better, and I'm happy to say mine did too. It's such an enormous blessing to have parents who love God and pray for their children, as Destiny's mother did. It was due to my relationship with my own parents that I could "feel" the death scene, with Destiny and her mother.
I, too, have enjoyed these discussions tremendously!
Such wonderful questions. I may be a few days late, but chiming in now.
It takes special, divine grace to forgive and I can say I have forgiven whoever killed my father. God takes the credit.
I may be retired, but as long as I can put my feet on the floor in the morning, I plan to LIVE.
As far as parenting goes, it lasts a lifetime. My 93-year-old mother-in-law brushed my husband's head, soothing him, when he was at her bedside.
Wonderful discussion!
Marianne, I will also be praying for your family during this adjustment period. Thank you for sharing the insight it has given you. Such deep heart-issues to consider.
LoRee, thank you for sharing such beautiful sentiments. Amazing that God enabled you to forive your father's killer! And the story about your MIL brought a lump to my throat. That parent-child bond is truly the most profound relationship we'll experience. How amazing to see that God chooses that relationship so often to describe the way He feels toward us! How radical to think we are His children, He is our Abba, and we can let Him gather us close to His heart and hold us in His loving embrace.
What a wonderful visit I've had with you all during these discussions. Thank you!
LoRee, what an amazing testimony! That kind of forgiveness is rare, and only made possible through Christ. How wonderful that you were able to channel His love and forgiveness in such a profound way.
I agree, the parenting never ends. I believe there's a little place in our hearts, as mothers, where our children never grow up - they will always be our babies in one way or another, and we will always try to comfort and care for them in any way possible. Mothers who really are mothers - whether by blood or by heart - have a very special Christ-likeness reserved only for us. It's a wonderful blessing! :D
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