Thursday, August 25, 2011

Destiny's Dream: Discussion #4

Your book club hostess is Michelle Massaro

Wow, I can't believe it. Our last discussion! Have you enjoyed your read? I know I sure have, and I'm totally wanting to read Kylie's Kiss now, too. We'll be drawing one lucky winner to receive a copy of the sequel. If you haven't already put in your request for your free bookmark and bookplate, make sure you do that before it's too late.

We've discussed Destiny's use of annointing oil, and the angelic beings that watch over her. As we close out the book, there is one subject I'd like to talk about: Forgiveness.

Destiny is able to forgive her attacker, not just in word but in heart. She feels for him and longs to see him find the Lord. That's faith. That's a woman after God's own heart! Have you been in a situation that called for that kind of grace? Please jump in and share.

Toward the end of the book we see Claire finding new spark in her life. How often do we relegate "older" people to passing their days sitting in rockers and baking cookies, as though their time to really live has passed? I put "older" in quotes because I don't think Claire was even that old. But her sons (like most children) had trouble seeing her as vibrant person. Clay couldn't at first fathom that his mother would want to find a soulmate through Solomon's Gate, and everybody is later startled by her interest in sleuthing. But the truth is, many retired people need new interests to make them feel useful and we don't always acknowledge that need. Have you seen this for yourself?

Finally, one of the most precious aspects of this story, to me, is the love between Destiny and her mother. Destiny inherited a legacy of faith  from her mother, who prayed for her and thought continually of her spiritual well-being. I've been on both ends of that kind of relationship, having been raised by a godly woman and now doing my best to raise my kids to know the Lord. The responsibility of a parent to be good stewards of the children God places in their lap, is a great and heavy one, not to be taken lightly. And the resulting relationship between parent child, as demonstrated in this book, is so strong and so moving. Does this inspire you to intercede more on behalf of your children, or motivate you to be more proactive in imparting spiritual truths to them? What have you gleaned about this special relationship while reading Destiny's Dream?

Don't forget, we also meet on facebook for those who "live" over there and find it easier not to venture out of the house. That link is: 

Thank you so much for being part of our book club this summer. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your answers and questions! Leave a comment to be entered to win Kylie's Kiss. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Destiny's Dream: Discussion #3

Your book club hostess is Michelle Massaro

Hi everyone! Have you all finished reading Destiny's Dream yet? We still have one week left so don't despair.

One of the things I liked was seeing how God used Destiny's scary ordeal to "wake up" other around her, causing them to do some serious soul-searching (or should I say "God searching").
Have you ever experienced something like this in your life? Whether you were the one with the difficult circumstance, or the one brought to your knees in the wake of someone else's crisis, if you are comfortable, please share your experience.

One of the characters we see affected is Destiny's sister Jenna, who has so immersed herself in being the perfect society wife that she allowed God to take a back seat. Many people do this, for various reasons. What is meant by putting God first? How can we make sure God is at the top of our to-do list?

Destiny was attacked, and her life threatened, by a creepy psycho. If it'd been me, I'm not sure I'd have been as calm as Destiny was. She knew God was with her and even though she felt fear, her faith gave her a steady assurance so that she was able to speak peace to her assistant Julie, and even to the crazy gunman. We've all probably read countless real-life stories of people receiving supernatural boldness in the face of death. Have you thought of what you'd do or how you'd feel in that situation?

After the villain threatened and physically injured people, Destiny had to decide whether or not to heed his demands and close Solomon's Gate. Do you think her hesitancy to do so was selfish? Should she have closed her business, even though she strongly felt God's guidance in opening it?

Before I hand you the mic, let me remind you that Delia has offered to send each of our participants a free bookmark and signed bookplate. She is also generously giving away a copy of Kylie's Kiss--book 2 in this series. All who join in our discussions will have their name put into the hat to win that book, and I'm positive that after reading Destiny's Dream, you'll want the sequel. So don't be shy, jump on in and share your thoughts, answer a question, or pose one of your own. Our lovely author will be around to interact with us all. Woo hoo!

Don't forget, we also meet on facebook for those who "live" over there and find it easier not to venture out of the house. That link is: Please share it (and this blog) with your friends.

Tweet it, link it, honk if you love us.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Destiny's Dream: Discussion #2

Your book club hostess is Michelle Massaro

Welcome, clubbies! Real quick, don't forget Delia will send each of you a free bookmark and signed bookplate (just let us know you're in our bookclub and would like one.) She is also generously giving away a copy of Kylie's Kiss at the end of the month, to one lucky reader. So make sure to join the conversation. Delia will be very available all month long for us to interact with. What a treat!

Also, you can let your friends know they can find us on facebook:  

Okay, it's time to jump back into our story. How are you enjoying it so far? As I read, I remember at first wondering how the author was going to pull off a deeply spiritual book about a dating service. Hey, I'm just keeping it real! But I quickly realized that not only was she capable of doing so, but she went deeper into territory not often touched by other authors. The annointing with oil for one. For some reason this makes a lot of us squirm, even though it was put into practice by the Lord Himself, and has such rich meaning once we get past the "weirdness" it makes some of us feel.

We had comments last week touching off a conversation about angels watching over us. It reminded me of Elisha's prayer for God to open the eyes of his servant, and when He did, the hillside was filled with spiritual warriors ready to go to battle on behalf of God's people. The idea of angels surrounding us, of an unseen world, is not just an abstract concept. It's fact. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Those messengers still exist and they are still serving God the way they were created to. We just tend to have difficulty living in that truth. But when we are reminded of it. . . wow. Kinda makes you remember what an all-consuming, powerful God we serve, doesn't it? So let's talk about that. . .

Q: A couple of times during the storyline, Destiny experienced supernatural occurrences—not overtly dramatic things, but small miracles completely outside the realm of the "everyday."
Would you like to experience such things, or does the idea frighten you, take you outside your comfort zone? What can you do to make yourself more at ease with God's supernatural side?

Q: Not everyone in the novel witnessed the signs that Destiny had divine guardians. Only two people actually saw the angels.
Why do you think that happens? If one person can see them, why not all?

Q: Destiny owned a beautiful bottle of anointing oil, which she used during her daily prayer time to anoint the applications turned in by her Seekers.
Did this practice make Destiny seem eccentric or fanatical? What purpose do you think it served?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Destiny's Dream: Discussion #1

Your book club hostess is Michelle Massaro

Welcome, readers! I am so excited to host this month's club selection, Destiny's Dream by Delia Latham. If you don't already know, Delia has offered to send each of our participants a free bookmark and signed bookplate. She is also generously giving away a copy of Kylie's Kiss. All who join in our discussions will have their name put into the hat to win that book, and I'm positive that after reading Destiny's Dream, you'll want the sequel. So don't be shy, jump on in and share your thoughts, answer a question, or pose one of your own. Our lovely author will be around to interact with us all. Woo hoo!

Don't forget, we also meet on facebook for those who "live" over there and find it easier not to venture out of the house. That link is: Please share it (and this blog) with your friends.

Tweet it, link it, honk if you love us.

Ready to dive into the final club selection of the year? I am! You know, I'm never sure what I'm going to think of a new book or author I've never read. So I always crack open the first page with a bit of apprehension. Especially when I've met the author and really really want to love their work. Well, I knew immediately that I had no need to worry about Delia's story or her prose. It's right up my alley and I was thrilled that I'd get to be her hostess. So here we go:

Q: The story opens with a very difficult scene where Destiny's mother is dying. Anyone who has lost someone close to them will no doubt feel those emotions stirred up again while reading this scene. I know I did.
Was this passage at all difficult for you to read?

Q: Destiny's mother leaves her a scripture, a promise she says Jesus specifically told her to give Destiny. Psalm 91:11's promise: "He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."
How do you feel about the idea of angels around you? Does it comfort you? If not, why not?

Q: Destiny and her siblings decided not to conduct a "death watch" over their dying mother.
Do you think having her children hovering near, dreading and anticipating her death, would have been a comfort or a discomfort to Miss Margie? How would you feel under that same circumstance?

Q: Destiny's behavior at her mother's funeral was not typical for her character.
Have you ever been in a situation where emotions/nerves caused you to behave in a manner not normal for you? Were there repercussions, and if so, how did you handle them?

Q: Clay's relationship with God has taken a back seat over the years. He has a bit of difficulty understanding Destiny's very personal relationship with Him, wherein she speaks about and to God as if He is her close Friend and Confidante.
Have you reached that place in your relationship with Him? If not, what's holding you back?

Q: Clay tends to look at Destiny's career choice as a frivolous occupation, while Destiny considers matchmaking a ministry.
Have you ever felt the sting of someone's less-than-appreciative opinion of something you consider important? How did you handle it, especially if that someone's opinion really mattered to you?

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