Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Discussion: A Tailor Made Bride, through Ch 19

hotess: Michelle Massaro

Last night I finished reading Tailor Made... at 2:00 AM. I can't speak for all of you, but I found this book to be a very satisfying read. Although I find myself wanting to dive right in to gushing over the ending, this week's discussion must focus on the book up to about chapter 19. (next week you can prepare to discuss up to chapter 26.)

One of the things that stood out to me in chapter 15 was the way Hannah reacted to Jericho's accusation that she was a stumbling block, appealing to women's vanity. Not only did Karen do a great job at writing persuasive arguments on both sides of the debate, I also admired Hannah's ability to pause to consider whether she might be wrong or at least not fully right. How often would we do well to reflect on whether there might be truth in something hurtful someone has said to us?  What did you think about this?

In chapter 16, Jericho learns more about Hannah's activities helping those around her. I love how conflicted he is. He grumbles but can't deny the good she is doing for those in the town. This is one thing I like about J.T.--he gives people credit when due, even if he has a problem with them. Do we do that? I had to ask myself how often I let a personal squabble or irritant keep me from acknowledging the good done by a person. Sometimes I want to explain it away or ascribe a false motive to their actions, all because they've done something to irritate me or because I have found fault in some part of their personality. Did this come through to you? What are your thoughts?

In chapter 17, we get a delicious flirtation/competition going between Hannah and J.T. I loved the way Hannah so stubbornly challenged his strength, really trying to give him a run for his money. I enjoyed watching him try to impress her, and the little sparks that flew between them. What was your favorite thing about this scene?

In chapter 19, J.T. takes his sister's challenge to read about the Proverbs 31 woman. This is difficult for any of us to do. To open our hearts to the possibility that something we've firmly believed was God's will might not be the truest expression of His nature. My favorite line in this chapter, and perhaps the book, is this: Apparently, I'm an idiot.  Says it all, doesn't it? LOL Has this ever happened to you? If you are willing, please share with us a time when God challenged your thinking. Was it a quick surrender on your part?

What other scenes in the book jump out as favorites for you so far?

Send your friends to join in the discussions. They can visit previous posts and jump in at any point as they read. If you haven't already done so, pick up Eleanor Gustafson's The Stones for next month's club reading.


Karen Witemeyer said...

Michelle - You've don'e such a beautiful job at picking out some of the keys issues going on with Hannah and J.T. I have to admit that I tend to resist change and inwardly grumble when it is forced upon me. But I truly believe that if we are close-minded, we are incapable of growing and maturing in our walk with Christ. That's why it was important to me to have both J.T. and Hannah give a little and learn from each other.

Christianity is not so much about BEING right - it's about LIVING right. And learning the difference is a journey I'm still on.

Lisa Lickel said...

What I enjoyed so much was how Karen showed us how people make assumptions, then learn what's real and what's perceived, but either true or false. I also loved that Hannah was feisty and willing to deal with a physical problem.

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